sparring Archives | Wolfpack Martial Arts | Kickboxing Edinburgh and Livingston

28th October 2019

Wolfpack Martial Arts were very proud to host the first International Women’s Sparring Camp. Head coaches Kevin and Natasha had decided they wanted to improve the quality of female sparring in Scotland. So, they decided to host a women’s invitational camp. We had attendees from all over Europe; as close as England and as far as Hungary.

The first visitors flew in from Germany and trained with us in our Friday night sparring class. More women arrived on Saturday morning where Kevin hosted a mini-drills and skills session on Saturday morning. After a quick break, the women had two solid hours of sparring with some of the highest-level competitors in the world.

Following the second session on Saturday, these women and a couple of our regular Wolfpack members were privy to a private complimentary tour of the Scotch Whisky Experience. This was a great opportunity for our vistiors to experience some Scottish culture and taste some whisky. We would definitely recommend this to anyone visiting Scotland!

After this, we were treated to a discounted Nando’s – which everyone thoroughly enjoyed after a hard day’s training.

One of the ideas which gave rise to this weekend of training was bringing up the standard of women in kickboxing and providing role models for this. This meant that Wolfpack hosted a “give-back” session: younger females from Wolfpack Martial Arts were invited to take part in a two-hour training and sparring session with the other women so they could see the potential in what they themselves could achieve.

The last training session for the girls was two doors down at CaveFit. This was where they took part in a conditioning-style workout organised by Sophie. It was organised into teams, and to no-ones surprise, it got very competitive! Everyone loved this style of workout and it was great to see everyone working hard.

Lunch was held at the Village Hotel, quickly followed by access to their leisure facilities: a heated pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi is always a welcome sight. What a perfect way to end the weekend!

We’d like to thank all the companies which got involved, please visit their websites for more information about them.



14th June 2019

Next up in Fighters Corner is Robbie McMenamy, one of the best fighters to come out of the Emarald Isles. There really isn’t anything Robbie has not won – check his unique style out on YouTube.

We caught up with him to ask a few questions.


KPB: How long have you been training and what made you start?

RM: I’ve been training for 24 years since I was an 11 year old fat kid. I started because l liked the game street fighter and wanted to be Ryu. After that Jackie Chan movies spiked my imagination also!

KPB: There’s not much you haven’t won. What motivates you these days?

RM: Nothing motivates me more like good competition from another good martial artist which unfortunately seems to be hard to find these days.

KPB: Who are your favourite, most entertaining fighters to watch these days male and female?

RM: Male: Davide Colla and female: Martina Rossi.

KPB: The sport changes so often, as a fighter what core systems do you think are key to success?

RM: I think the core values have disappeared if I’m honest and it’s had a massive effect on the sport.

KPB: Favourite tournament?

RM: It used to be Best Fighter back in the day. Now it would be World Combat Games as it is the best in the world and only a few can confirm this.

KPB: If you had the chance to create a dream team with fighters from any era who would be in it?

RM: I would choose Nikos Memmos, Morten Spissøy Drew Neal, Gregorio Di Leo and Emanuele Bozzolani. Women I would have Luisa Lico and your Natasha.

KPB: Lastly will we see you teaching again in Scotland?

RM: If that’s an invitation then yes, I’d love to come back!

25th March 2019

Hello everyone,

Below is a video showcasing some of the students and training we do here at Wolfpack Martial Arts. This was made at one of our Open Squad Training sessions of the year – featuring our kickboxing coaches, Kevin and Natasha Baldwin, shot by one of our very own instructors, Jessica Smith.

We hope everyone enjoys this video and comes along for the next one!

Don’t forget to share!